The heavy rain prevented several members from coming unfortunately.
Topics that were covered :
> What is a bonsai?
> How does a bonsai differ from other potted plants ( kusamono, topiary or your average potted plant )?
> Basic bonsai structures
> Basic characteristics a plant need that fits basic bonsai techniques
> Basic introduction on training a nursery plant into a bonsai
> Basic root pruning and nebari development
> Basic bonsai soil, watering and feeding - how to create your own soil with local materials, how to water and when to feed your plant
There were several bonsai materials in various development stages on display too.

Here are some pics

There is another event coming up on the 9th May, which has been declared "World Bonsai Day" by the World Bonsai Friendship Federation. The upcoming event will be an "Introduction to root work in bonsai cultivation"
More details on the FB event :
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