Well at least that's what he bought and so we are expecting this to be a white pine but its rapid growth is kind of a surprise.
White pine are known within the bonsai community to 5 needles per fascicles (bundles) and also to be a slow grower ( 1 growth per year ) compared to other japanese pine species used ( Japanese Black Pine and Japanese Red Pine)
Like I said above we are not yet sure which type of pine this is but we are hoping this turns out to be a white pine seedling.
July 2014

August 2014

You can see new needles just starting to appear at the center.
October 2014

The new growth has elongated. I was expecting it to stay put until next year, but...
Janurary 2015

Late December it was already starting to pull new growth and by January I'm starting to see some candle formation.
That's pretty fast for a plant who's supposed to be a slow grower. I just hope this quick growth won't weaken and kill the sapling.
Around December I got another batch of seeds that were already cold stratified in the fridge for several months.

Repotting the seedlings
I've got two batch, one batch of 4 seedlings from the big seeds and one batch of 2 seedlings from the small seeds.
The seedling from the bigs seeds batch are more vigourous and with more developped roots, so I too the chance to root prune the tap root.

But the seedlings from the small seeds batch are les vigourous so I won't take the risk of cutting the tap root on them.

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